
Flights from
India to Sri Lanka

Recommended Airlines for Flights to Sri Lanka

Check out the Low Cost Flights Deals from India to Sri Lanka. The major international airports at Delhi and Mumbai are where most passengers travel to Sri Lanka from India, while Chennai Airport is the main Sri Lanka gateway for the south. The newer airports at Hyderabad and Bangalore deal mainly with domestic flights , but it might be worth checking the indirect routes from these smaller airports for cheaper flight deals.
Fly within your preferred budget range by using the filter tools on the airlines booking forms. It is so easy that you never have to visit a travel agent, wasting your time and money.
As always, if in doubt, please contact us or use the numbers provided below.

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We customize Sri Lanka Tours and Sri Lanka Holiday Packages to fit your dates and special specifications. To get a tailor-made tour quote, please fill out the add your requirements and the number of people traveling under 'Remarks'. Our Sri Lanka experts will send you a tailor-made Sri Lanka itinerary with all available options free of charge.
You also can contact us at the numbers listed below.

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